Health & Welfare


Unemployed union Local 213 members short on hours, members approaching retirement, or retired members can self-pay for plan coverage.  You must be a member in good standing with the Union Local in order to be eligible for coverage.  This is a great feature of our plan to allow for flexibility for continuation of your coverage.  The cost, and requirements for eligibility are summarized in the following table.


Plan A**

Plan B

Plan C

Self Pay Cost*


Increasing to $485/month Jan 1, 2025



Increasing to $140/month Jan 1, 2025

Available to unemployed or if working elsewhere

Maximum time allowed for self-pay



3 years, then must switch to Plan B



3 years, for any members self-paying due to short hours starting on/after December 1, 2023 (i.e. time limit does not apply to self-paying early retirees)

N/A, retirees only

Available to early retirees (up to age 65)



N/A, retirees (65 and over) only

Application requirement

Union Local 213 membership continuation

Union Local 213 membership continuation

Active member of plan in 48 months of past 60 months immediately before application

Between 65 and 70 years of age

*Self-pay must be maintained by the member for continuous months, without any gaps in coverage.

**Members Self-paying for Plan A do not receive coverage for Bereavement Wage Loss, Wage Indemnity, SUB top-up or Income Continuance benefits.


For description of coverage choose Coverage navigation button.